Virtual reality games
Virtual reality games

virtual reality games

Unity is a great developer in the field of 3D animation, so it’s no surprise that they released software that is compatible with VR. Check out their Formula 1 racing software for a rush. With their hardware, you’re going to be moving all around the room, not just sitting in a solitary spot as you confusedly look around. The reason they score so high is not only the technology in which they present but the fact that this VR company is partnering with one of my favorite companies to team up and revolutionize the VR field with tanklesslab. I imagine this extends to many VR Steam games as well. The thing I love about HTC is that they partnered with Valve on this project to make it more robust. It includes a headset, sensors for your room, and handheld devices. HTC has released this headset for $799 (Current price is $599), distinguishing the professionals from the amateurs. The HTC Vive is a mix of The Matrix, Ready Player One, and the entire cyberpunk genre. Is it possible that Google will be known as a VR company as well as a prolific search engine? Only time will tell. It’s not hard to see that Google will continue to explore this world of VR and possibly branch out with a larger presence. This led to their release, the Google Daydream View.

virtual reality games

It was specifically designed to put over your phone or smart device and interact with different apps and games. They released the ‘ Google Cardboard’, a cardboard VR headset that cost $15. Gone are the simple searches for “how to tie a tie’, and ‘pie recipes’. Yes, Google is possibly going to be one of the heavy hitters in the VR world. Oculus isn’t just a recognizable name in terms of VR companies, it’s *the* name to recognize. They’ve announced a standalone headset called the ‘ Oculus Quest’ due to release in 2019. Carmack eventually left Oculus over legal disputes with Zenimax, but Oculus hasn’t let that stop their creative engines from working overtime. The team even included a famous gaming visionary of id Software and ‘Doom’, John Carmack. Facebook purchased the company for a whopping $2 billion dollars in 2016. Infographic: Top VR Companies in the World.

Virtual reality games